Learn in Duet

2 on 1 group coaching sessions

Dreaming of taking your English to the next level, but finding individual coaching prices daunting, and feeling uncomfortable in large groups? Choose a session package in a duo with another person. 👫 Don't know anyone interested? No worries, we'll help you find a partner from your industry 💻 at the same language level.

Why choose learn in duet?

Personalized Learning Experience
Personalized Learning Experience
Personalized Learning Experience

Personalized Learning Experience

Learning in pairs provides a more intimate atmosphere and is better tailored to your needs 🧠 than learning in a large group.

Shared Goals and Mutual Support
Shared Goals and Mutual Support
Shared Goals and Mutual Support

Shared Goals and Mutual Support

You'll learn with someone who shares similar goals and interests – you can support, motivate, and inspire each other.

Real life conversations
Real life conversations
Real life conversations

Real life conversations

By conversing with someone from your industry, you have the opportunity to practice your knowledge in realistic situations. 💡

Feedback from learners emphasized Learn in Duet’s personalized approach, interactive sessions, and ability to enhance confidence, positioning it as a leader in innovative and brain-friendly language learning solutions.